The Tamil Nadu government has successfully resolved 12.8 lakh petitions through the Makkaludan Mudhalvar scheme. This initiative, launched by Chief Minister M K Stalin, offers essential government services directly to citizens’ doorsteps, coordinating efforts across 15 government departments.
Key Features of the Scheme
The Makkaludan Mudhalvar scheme provides 44 vital services, such as patta transfers, old age pension applications, and more. The goal is to deliver these services within 30 days of receiving petitions, ensuring quick and easy access to government support for the public.
Urban and Rural Camps Held Across Tamil Nadu
The scheme began with 2,058 camps held in urban areas, which resolved nearly 9.05 lakh petitions. Subsequently, the initiative extended to rural regions, with 2,344 camps held across 12,525 village panchayats, further expanding its reach.
People-Centric Governance
Revenue Administration and Disaster Management Minister KKSSR Ramachandran stated that the Makkaludan Mudhalvar scheme reflects the Dravidian model of governance, focused on serving the people. The initiative reinforces the government’s dedication to making vital services accessible to citizens, regardless of their location