On October 10, 2024, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin unveiled a significant bonus and ex-gratia package for 2.75 lakh employees working in the state’s public sector undertakings (PSUs) and statutory boards for the 2023-24 fiscal year.
Bonus Details
Under this announcement:
- Profit-Making PSUs (Groups C and D): Employees will receive a minimum bonus of ₹8,400, with a maximum of ₹16,800, which equates to an 8.33% bonus and an ex-gratia payment of 11.67%.
- PSUs Without Surplus: Workers will receive an 8.33% bonus and a 1.67% ex-gratia.
Financial Implications
The total financial outlay for the government is expected to be ₹369.65 crore, with payments made ahead of the Diwali festive season. This initiative aims to provide much-needed relief and support to the workforce.
Specific Benefits for Various Organizations
Employees of prominent organizations will benefit from the following:
- TANGEDCO, Tamil Nadu State Transport Undertakings, Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation, and Cooperative Milk Producers’ Federation: 20% bonus and ex-gratia.
- Tamil Nadu Housing Board and Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Drainage Board: 10% bonus and ex-gratia.
- Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board: 8.33% bonus.
- Civil Supplies Corporation: Ex-gratia of ₹3,000.
Government’s Commitment
The Chief Minister emphasized that this move recognizes the critical contributions of PSU workers to economic growth and aims to enhance their motivation. A separate order will be issued for employees of cooperative institutions and other organizations.
This initiative underscores the state government’s commitment to rewarding and supporting its employees during this festive season.